A Complete Guide to Your Gas Boiler

How Long Should a Gas Boiler Last?

If you recently purchased a gas boiler or have a modern gas boiler you can safely expect your boiler to last a number of years before it needs to be replaced. How many exactly? Well in general, with typical usage, you can expect a gas boiler to last between 10-15 years if you service it annually and look after it. If your boiler is 20 years old then it’s more than likely going to cost more money to keep it than it’s worth, and it’s really time to start thinking about getting an upgrade.

Gas Boiler Type:

The type of Gas Boiler you are looking for can depend on your needs and the size of your home among other factors.


Gas Boiler type

What Type of Gas Boiler is a Combi?


Gas Boiler Combi


A combi Boiler is without a doubt the most common type of gas boiler in domestic residences. That’s because it’s very economic and efficient. Why is a combi boiler called a combi boiler? Well simply because it solves the combined needs of central heating and heating water, in one single relatively small unit.  Its design is simple and discrete and doesn’t take up much space in your home. It’s an economic solution that heats water and your home in a relatively cheap and efficient manner.


What Type of Gas Boiler is a System Boiler?


Gas boiler system boiler


A system boiler is a type of gas boiler that is for larger homes that have greater demand for heating and water. It’s different to a Combi Boiler in that it actually has the ability to store water in a tank so there is a constant supply of hot water. This requires a bit more space than a combi boiler for the water tank, and the amount of water you can use depends on the size of the tank. Our plumbers have installed numerous system boilers and know the process inside out, and can insure they are installed correctly.


What Type of Gas Boiler is a Heat Only Boiler?


Heat only boilers are a type of gas boiler that are sometimes referred to as conventional boilers. These produce a lot of hot water, and aren’t necessarily the most efficient. These have more components than the other types of boilers. A Heat Only Boiler has three tanks, but if you don’t use a lot of water then this type of boiler may not be the best possible solution for you. You need a solution tailored to your needs, so you are not wasting energy needlessly and at great personal expense, so why not talk to some of our experts at Stillorgan Gas, Plumbing, and Electricity today.


Heating Controls:


Heaating Controls


The heating controls in a boiler work via a thermostat which determines the temperature of the water and heats the water in relation to it.  You can use your controls manually or you can pre-set times for your water to automatically heat throughout the day, just see what works best for you, and suits your lifestyle, so don’t be afraid to give it a go. 

With zone central heating you can turn on the radiators in individual zones for example zone 1, zone 2 and zone 3. So if you switch on zone one for example it will only turn on the radiators in that zone. This option is available with all modern heating controls, but if you have an old system and need a much-needed upgrade you won’t believe the difference it can make. By using the pre-sets, you can automatically warm the rooms you use most of the time and make the most use of them. This specificity to central heating can be incredibly convenient, and more importantly it can really save you a fortune and can moderate your heating needs to your lifestyle.


Which Brand of Gas Boiler is Best?


Boiler Brands


Our plumbers generally recommend the Ideal Range of Boilers. They do this because they find that these boilers are more efficient, and less in need of repair than some of the alternative brands. Ideal gas boilers will potentially last longer and operate more efficiently. This means that they create more heat from less gas, and hence will end up saving you money on your next bill. It’s the longevity of these boilers, and their resilience to breakdowns, even with sustained usage, that makes them a clear favourite amongst our highly skilled plumbers.


What Type of Gas Boiler is a Condensing Boiler?

A condensing boiler is a type of boiler that is commonly used in houses today. It generates heat by burning the non-renewable energy fuel natural gas. But it does this in a way that is so efficient in comparison to antiquated, older models. This is a more sustainable type of boiler which releases a significantly decreased carbon footprint. This is better for the environment and helps protect the atmosphere and even saves the local ecosystem from unnecessary hazards caused by carbon emissions. If you want to install or repair a gas boiler just ask the experts at Stillorgan Gas Plumbing and electricity.


How Many kW Do I Need?:


Boiler size


The amount of kilowatts needed for your Gas Boiler typically depends on the size of your home and the amount of radiators you have. The amount of radiators you have usually correlates to the number of rooms you have. But other factors can impact this such as how your home is insulated. 

For up to 10 radiators, you need a 9-18 kW gas boiler.
For 10-15 radiators, you need a gas boiler between 18-26 kW gas boiler.
For 15- 20 radiators, you need a Gas Boiler between 26-40 kW gas boiler.

Natural Gas:


Natural Gas, what is it? It’s an odourless mix of gases. Natural Gas is a form of Non-renewable energy.  It can be used to create electricity to burn for cooking, and utilized as a source of heat. Nonrenewable energy sources are created by a natural breakdown of organic matter over millennia underneath the ground. The energy that the organisms capture through photosynthesis is transferred into the molecules in the gas, which enables it to be used effectively and released in the creation of electricity, heat, and burning.

LPG Gas:


LPG Gas is liquefied petroleum gas. It’s a mixture of liquified propane and liquified butane. This is created from resources such as Natural gas and petroleum. The gas is liquified for transport and is transformed into vapor when it is consumed as heating Fuel or used as engine fuel.


Boiler Warranty:


Every Gas Boiler comes with a manufacturers warranty, which helps protect consumers if anything breaks or goes wrong with the boiler. But in order to utilize the warranty effectively consumers need to sustain their entitlement to the warranty by getting mandatory gas boiler services. It’s an essential component of most warranties that you get a gas boiler service annually.  If a consumer ignores this yearly requirement, they will lose their entitlement to the warranty. Not having a valid warranty can prospectively be very expensive and make a consumer responsible for the cost of all repairs and replacements for the gas boiler. This can ultimately lead to the degradation of the boiler and increase the need for its replacement with the installation of a new gas boiler. If you think you need a gas boiler service just give us a call and the boiler kings at Stillorgan Plumbing and Electricity and we’ll book you for a service in today or tomorrow.


Common Boiler Faults:


Boiler Fault Codes


With regard to gas boilers, there are a number of very common issues associated with them, these issues include, 

Leaking Gas Boiler- A gas boiler that is leaking water is not to be ignored. A leak is a warning sign that all is not well with your beloved boiler.  Sadly, it can mean that that elements are worn or damaged, for example a seal or valve may have been degraded, and if this isn’t amended it can lead to increased damage. For example, your gas boiler could begin to rust, or electrical parts could be affected. This is potentially hazardous, so if you notice this you should contact an RGI-registered plumber today.

Boiler Kettling- Is your Boiler Kettling? You’re not sure what Kettling is? No problem, we got you. It’s simple, Kettling is when your boiler sounds like a kettle. It’s not very scientific we know, but that’s the truth. Have you ever heard your boiler rumbling and making noises that don’t sound healthy? If you have, your boiler is Kettling. It’s worth noting that a fully working boiler should be as quiet a mouse.  Boiler Kettling can occur for a number of reasons including a build-up of limescale inside the boiler. A second potential cause is that the thermostat could also be broken or malfunctioning. Lastly and perhaps not surprisingly it could also be a result of a cheeky leak. 

Hot Water Not Working- If your boiler is failing to heat up water, or isn’t heating your radiators properly it’s a sign of perhaps the most irritating thing a boiler can do. Who doesn’t hate when the water doesn’t heat up, or you have to have choose between a cold shower and no shower. These are choices you shouldn’t have to make, if you call a professional plumber here we can solve the issue for you.

Frozen Condensate Pipe- In winter when the temperature dips below freezing the condensate pipe can freeze. This is because it’s situated outside, and exposed to the elements. When this occurs, it can prevent the free movement of water in the boiler. The solution is to unfreeze the pipe. But in really cold weather it could even potentially break or damage the pipe and may need replacing.

Pilot Light is Not Working On A Gas Boiler: Another common problem is that your gas boiler lighter(pilot light) might not be working. It might not be turning on or is working intermittently. This can mean that the boiler lighter is not able to access the quantity of gas needed to work. It could be a consequence of the gas regulator. But in order to diagnose the issue properly you’ll have to give an RGI Plumber a shout and set your mind at ease.  However, if you smell gas or anything in your home, you can call bord gas who can offer immediate assistance. 

Low Boiler Pressure- If your gas boiler appears to have low pressure it can be a sign that you may have lost water from your system. This might be the result of a leak. If your boiler has consistently low pressure, the gas system simply won’t work as well. This might mean you are wasting gas without getting the most heat from it. To remedy this, you need to call an RGI registered plumber.

High Boiler Pressure- If your gas boiler is experiencing really high pressure, this can be problematic as it can result in increased strain on your boiler. This a symptom that something is wrong with your boiler, and that all is not well. This can be a result of unexpected leaks occurring which will need to be repaired and if this isn’t effective, then you may even need a new boiler. You really want to stay ahead of High pressure and act quickly and call for assistance.  It will save a lot of hassle and avoid potentially hazardous consequences later on. 

Gas Boiler Services:


Gas Boiler Service


What’s Done During a Gas Boiler Service?

There’s more to a Gas Boiler service than you might think. When your RGI plumber arrives at your home, the first thing they will do is inspect the boilers main burning compartment and proceed to clean it. The next stage of the boiler service is to test each element and make sure that they are working properly and, in a way, consistent with the requirements of the warranty and RGI policy.  This can be done safely and efficiently by our expert plumbers who will have your gas boiler serviced in no time. It’s the equivalent of a car NCT only for your Gas Boiler, and in the end your plumber will either pass or fail your gas boiler.

How Often Do You Need to Service Your Gas Boiler?

It’s stipulated in the manufacturer’s warranty for all Gas Boilers that you need to get a Gas Boiler service once every calendar year. If you don’t get a service, you will consequently lose your entitlement to the warranty, and it will be invalidated. This can be expensive as you will be financially liable for all repairs if anything goes wrong with the gas boiler. In order to save money and avoid burning a hole in your wallet it’s better not to forget to book an annual service. To help remember to get your boiler service you can take note of when you got your last service and place a reminder in your calendar for the same time next year.  By doing it at the same time every year you won’t forget. Why not give us a call and we can book you in for a boiler service.


Repairs For Your Gas Boiler:


Gas Boiler Repair


If you have a malfunctioning or faulty gas boiler, which has an issue such as a leak, Boiler Kettling, a faulty the pilot light, Low pressure, or High Pressure, you may need to get a repair.


Gas Boiler Replacement:


Gas Boiler Replacement


How Long Does It Take to Install a Gas Boiler?

It really depends on a number of factors, mainly the size of the boiler, but additionally, also the plumbing, and aspects of the home. A regular domestic boiler can typically be installed within a single day, even in as little as 6 hours.  However larger commercial boilers can be more arduous and can take at least several days. In short, it really depends on the boiler size, and on where it needs to be installed. There’s no single solution, and every installation is different with it’s own unique criteria and specifications.


What is The Size of The Gas Boiler?


The size of a gas boiler is how many kilowatts it uses as was discussed earlier in this blog in the kW section entitled “ How Many KW Do I Need?”. More kilowatts as a general rule of thumb tends to be associated with bigger residences, which require more radiators.  For all your Gas Boiler needs be sure to use RGI plumbers so that work can be done safely and professionally.




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